Gathering experiences rather than “stuff”

This week has been rainy and unseasonable cold for our part of the country.  On Tuesday, my girls and I went to our local aquarium.  You may ask, “I thought you just quit your job, how can you afford an expensive outing like that?”. The answer is, the aquarium membership was given to my youngest by her paternal birth  grandmother.  “Gram” is a wonderfully generous woman who showers love and attention on both of my girls.  She loves the environment and learning about the world around us, and wanted to share this gift with her granddaughter. 

I can honestly say, we have used the membership more times than I can count in the past six months.  The aquarium is our “go to” activity on a rainy day rather than the mall or shopping center.  The girls thoroughly enjoy it and are richer from the experience.

 Just like us, kids are inundated with the message of materialism through TV, magazines, and popular culture itself.   I don’t know about you, but most of the squabbles my girls have are about sharing,  or should I say not sharing “stuff”.    I think it is important to offer your child, and yourself a different option.  Experiences whether it be a trip to the aquarium, the zoo, or the park allow your family to focus on activity, learning, and building relationships. 

I love the idea of giving gifts of experience rather than “stuff”.  What do you think?

About Mary @ a simple twist of faith

I am: a rookie at blogging, just started my blog in May 2010 when I became a full-time Mom. a child of God, a follower of Jesus Christ, a listener of the Holy Spirit, and a Catholic. Pro-Life, , Pro-Woman and an adoption advocate wife to a wonderful husband for 12 years proud and grateful mother to two beautiful daughters ages 5 and 3. a coffee drinking fool, so I can keep up with my little girls a home schooling novice using my kindergartener as a guinea pig a runner, it keeps me sane and in my size 8 pants an avid reader , now of Beatrix Potter's books a former workaholic & fashion follower a lover of chocolate, and wine, and the finer things in life, although I cannot afford them anymore!
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8 Responses to Gathering experiences rather than “stuff”

  1. Tish says:

    Mary, I love your blog! I left my job to take care of my two youngest grandchildren while their mother works (part time). My colleagues thought I was nuts, but I LOVE my new job. There’s nothing like being with and shaping your own children (or grandchildren). And yes, the aquarium is a wonderful way to spend time with your kids. I should look into that for my little ones. What a thoughtful gift from that grandmother. I’ll be back.

  2. Kyooty says:

    hi mary, i’m Mary too. 🙂 I’d love to have a Acquarium here to take the boys to. As for TV? we don’t have any reception at all. We cancelled Cable 2yrs ago now, and then everything went digital so now we get nothing. The boys are outside more, they read more and they play more. I hope your girls enjoy their outside time as much as my boys. thanks for reading Kyooty today.

  3. Thanks for visiting and commenting Mary! Funny, one of the things we did to prepare for our big pay cut was drop our cable down to $11.00 per month. I must admit I still watch “Dancing with the Stars” and “The Biggest Loser” at night after I put the kids to bed. However, I do make myself ride the eliptical when I am watching TV. My girls have not missed it at all, they are too busy with their many adventures.

  4. tricia says:

    We don’t have tv either. No reception at all. We love it!
    When we moved to NE we told the boys “they don’t have tv here”
    They fell for it.
    Steven and I find we have a lot more time to read now that we don’t have tv.
    your friend,

    • Yes, it is amazing the time drain of TV . Speaking of reading, I just started a book written by Kimberely Hahn entitled “Graced and Gifted”. I must admit I am only on page 10, but so far so good. It is inspired by the 31st chapter in Proverbs, and it’s about running an organized home. I need all the help I can get!

  5. Claire says:

    Experiences are what create the memories anyway. I’m with you 100%. If you ever want them to “experience” Baltimore, let me know! ha ha

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